Sunday, 4 November 2012

EvilBreed: Legend of Samhain

Breasts roam these woods

There ought to be warnings on certain movies: "Caution this film contains porn actors, as a result this dvd has a strong probability of being garbage". Then again when delving into the bargain bin of a cheapo shop , one mustn't expect Citizen Kane. Or even Citizen Wolfy (fans of 70s British television will understand.)
Now lets be clear here, Gutterbox is not saying porno stars in films are a bad thing. Oh no quite the contrary, watching the gorgeous Ginger Lynn Allen adopt an 'Irish' accent and call herself Pandora is a good thing in a pervy kinda way and gets a thumbs up from this site. And having Jenna Jameson's famous tittyfallays plastered over the dvd cover is a welcome sight indeed. They are a thing of beauty indeed! The pair of 'em.
Its just that....well acting is not their strong point. (Although I could argue that horror movies are not 'serious cinema' and therefore porno actors suit the genre perfectly but anyway *shrugs*)
EvilBreed sets out its cheapo stall early on with a coastal flyover that is the opening credits. Come on director chappy! This was nicked off an old British tourism advert right? I half expected Leonard Rossiter to walk into shot carrying a bottle of Martini. Its possibly one of the most weird starts to a horror film ever, and ruins any creepy vibe that should be there in its place. But I should have known, especially when just a few screens later we witness a woman in obvious distress being swallowed alive by what appears to be quicksand, and her 'boinking pardner' asking, "Amy, are you okay?" Erm...drowning in quicksand is fun?
Possibly more fun than this movie.

Fer Crissakes stick to the path!

Best enema EVER

EvilBreed sort of admits its rubbish when one of the students comments that all bad slasher movies star sex hungry teenagers and virgin heroes but I got the feeling it was being serious. "Yes we know other films are bad but we are aware of how bad thus making us cool". Thats the vibe I got from it. And it IS bad folks, trust me when a dvd is paused as much as this just to grab daft photographs to post on Twitter then the director has f**ked up. Yup its boring.
There was one hilarious bit though. When Jenna Jameson's character gets nabbed by the monster who after gutting her, reaches under her breast bone and yanks out a bag of silicone which he tries to eat. The WTF look on his mug is priceless and if he was a descendant creature of Sawney Beane (an old Scottish cannibal) then he must have wondered what humans had done to themselves in 500 years.
So anywhoo a quick synopsis: troubled teens go to Ireland with well meaning adult. Troubled teens ignore local traditions/folklore and get murdered in suitable grisly fashion by man in a costume made up of teeth and boils. The End. Its pretty much textbook horror by numbers and the only thing missing is a killer with a stoopid name and even stoopider costume (see my Killjoy review elsewhere on this site.)
I was really hoping for another addition to the Gutterbox Quid Club with EvilBreed because its been a while since we had a decent cheesy slasher-fest to put on the shelf, but alas where it qualified on the fact it only cost £1 from Poundland, it utterly FAILED on the So-Bad-Its-Great side of things. Would I recommend it? Only if you are Jenna Jameson or Ginger Lynn Allen's number one fans and had to buy ALL of their movies.

Gutterbox rating

Saturday, 3 November 2012


He wasn't dead afterall *shocker*

£5. You don't get much for a fiver these days and what you do get (in the way of entertainment) can pretty much be guaranteed garbage unless its an old classic. (Check out the prices of a new Playstation 3 triple A title to see what I mean.) Long gone are the days of Chinese takeaway, a four pack and an evening on the tiles. If you happen to be stuck indoors with a fiver, you are limited to the oodles of fun you can have without renting from Blockys or Netflix.
Luckily for you cheap horror films like Ozombie exist. Believe me, mucho fun can be had for just five of your British pounds as long as you don't take your fun so seriously.
Ozombie. This movie looked such a perfect title for the Gutterbox. The bloodthirsty undead. Sexy women. Loud guns and cheesy one liners. Hell count us in! Just add alcohol and its a sure fire hit. Or is it? Well it would have been if only certain things had been erased. Some pointers: weedy boy band lookalikes are never a good idea in horror films. They end up looking like tone deaf X Factor rejects, scrambling around looking for mummy. (And incidentally when filmed in slow motion, bitch slapping mannequins just end up looking like an episode of Jackass on rewind.)
Oh and female hard asses. Either hire Leila Ali and do that shit proper or dont. Avoid booking some bubble haired tease who looks about as threatening as Minnie the Minx. Oh and steer clear of attempting Terminator type killer lines. Hmmm...what was it again? "Hey Bum Face!" (True line taken from Ozombie.) Yes that ought to send the baddies screaming for them thar hills.

Touch! Ozombie's on it! Ruuuuun!

Anyhoo you wanna hear the story? Its wafer ham thin but here goes: Dusty is on a desperate mission to save her brother Derek, a lad convinced Osama bin Laden is alive, nevermind the whole buried at sea lark. Over in Afghanistan, Dusty meets a gang of special forces on a hush hush mission (aint they all?) And whaddya know? Derek is not so crazy, and Bin Laden has returned the grave. Shit! Not only that but he's creating a zombie terrorist army. Double shit!
Guess what happens? You're ahead of me right? Yup the soldiery macho gang, crash into the middle of the apocalypse and must battle their comical asses out of the undead infestation.
Now I like zombie flicks. I FKING LOVE 'EM! But Ozombie is dead from the start. Its worse than dead, its slopping out as the disc spins while your cellmate sizes up that cute ass of yours. I went from wondering if this was a boy band video gone down a bad alley, or a MTV dress rehearsal. Its craaaap in other words, bereft of any cool ideas whatsoever. Of course the Gutterbox know only too well what happened here. After a few too many bourbons at the movie lot, some guy primed on scotch fumes pitched a 'real rad idea' about a pissed off Osama wanting to kick Western ass in revenge for his inglororious end. "Make him a f**king ZOMBIE!" Said film man. "Everyone loves zombies, look at The Walking Dead. It will rock!" And the nodding heads (none too wiser from the same bourbon) gave Ozombie a green light. Lucky us eh? Wheres that fly swatter?
Let Gutterbox put you lovely readers right here: as we've already said, you don't have much options on what to waste a fiver on but quite frankly you'd have more fun lighting the note and watching money burn than buy this dvd. Unless you really love zombies, and we mean really REALLY love zombies, like having zombie pyjamas and zombie flavoured toothpaste (hmmm idea there), Ozombie isn't much fun. Or much good. Or isn't much anything.

Gutterbox rating