Pass the dry roasted nuts
'Drunk films' are wonderful aren't they? Movies that always seem to slip into the dvd tray when you're on the wrong end of a bottle of booze. You know the film back to front and could recite the entire script if needed. Drunk films are different to favourite films (or with me they are) because they are usually left on the shelf if soft drinks are on the menu.
Without delving too deep into the why of it, I think the reason some films fall so easily into the 'drunk film' category is that they are able to slot into whatever alcoholic fantasy your brain seems to be stuck in on that particular session. Feel a bit like taking on the world? First Blood is your dvd. Want to fall into a sobbing mess of depression? Lob on some Schindler's List. There's always a movie to fit your glass of poison.
Here are the ten films I always choose when walking on the squiffy side of the ruler:
1. Point Break (1991)
Great boys own, action flick starring the late Patrick Swayze and the not so late but wooden Keanu Reeves. Highlights include Tank Girl having her cookie dusted and skydiving without parachutes.
2. The Dark Knight (2008)
You cannot fault a bit of Batman when plastered, especially when said Batman hails from Haverfordwest, Wales and Heath Ledger is mesmerising as the Joker. (Sad that already two men on my list are dead. Life is fragile my friends).
3. They Live (1988)
Wonderful 1980's movie about aliens secretly living amongst us and being thwarted by a mullet haired wrestler who likes to kick ass and chew bubblegum. Sadly for E.T. he's all out of bubblegum.
4. Dead Man Walking (1995)
Odd one this I suppose, (although not of you know me). Film about a nun (Susan Sarandon) who befriends a condemned inmate (Sean Penn) awaiting death by lethal injection. I sit pretty close to death whenever I drink, so I figure the reason for this being a favourite is I want to be in the 'company' of someone in a similar situation. Laughs Out Loud.
5. National Lampoon's Vacation (1983)
Another 80's flick, this time about the Griswald family and their disastrous (but hilarious) roadtrip to Wally World. Chevy Chase heads the cast and even manages to make a dead old lady funny (by sticking her on the roof of the Family Truckster). I ROFL then, and I ROFL now.
6. Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
Not a fan of Nic Cage usually but this is a proper drinking film. Cage plays a screenwriter whose life has hit the skids, so he decides to go to Las Vegas and drink himself to death. Even Elizabeth Shue, who is unbelievably sexy in this, cannot change his mind. He is a prickly pear, who has the shakes so bad he can't even sign a cheque until he gets a few drinkies in him. Top man!
7. Machete (2010)
One of THE best action films in many years. Danny Trejo is the hard-as-nails Machete, a Mexican Federale who is out to tear Steven Seagal a new ass. Oh yes Seagal, this time you won't be so hard to kill. Sterling cast to this one, with Robert De Niro almost stealing the show as a politician who casualy shoots a heavily pregnant Mexican woman attempting to cross the US border, as if she were a bug on a windscreen. Nice man.
Multiple behradings in one scene, abseiling down a building using human entrails in another. The coolnes never ends for Machete.
8. Titanic (1997)
Another strange choice of mine, largely because I didn't like the film. Personally I believe James Cameron merely directed a three hour fashion show, nothing else. And Leo DiCaprio (who has matured into a fine actor) looked like a teenage lesbian throughout the snoozefest. Perhaps like Dead Man Walking I enjoy the impending doom whilst sucking on a bottle. That or I fancy lesbians.
9. Twin Town (1997)
Its a comedy featuring Swansea and the late Huw Ceredig as a bloke called Fatty Lewis. Whats not to love? Also unlike most people, I sincerely hope a sequel isn't made. It could only ever be a disappointment. F**king hot dogs it is then!
10. House Of A 1000 Corpses (2003)
The most heavy metal soundtrack to drinking alcohol EVER! Bang this Rob Zombie movie on during a session and its guaranteed to deliver the grisly goods. One of my favourite horror flicks of recent times.
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