The chap is hard to kill
I picked up Indestructible Man (1956) on dvd for just £1 in one of those everythings-a-pound shops. These type of stores always have a good choice of cheap B movie type affairs on offer, and while most are pretty bad (occasionaly in a good way) you can strike gold at times. And personally I believe I did here. (That or im impervious to rubbish films. Blame Hollywood).
Indestructible Man was directed by Jack Pollexfen and had Lon Chaney Jr in the lead as robber/murderer Charles "Butcher" Benton who at the beginning of the film is executed in the gas chamber. (Sadly no execution scene for the ghouls among us). Bentons body is flogged to a scientist researching something or other and is zapped with electricity and injected with chemicals. Then just like Frankenstein he liveth again! (If Mary Shelley ever got to watch this in the EverAfter I suspect she was in tears over such a dumbed down version of her fantastic creation).
Butcher Benton then offs the scientist (bad luck fella) and sets out to find and strangle the lawyer who betrayed him in order to nick the dosh he robbed. (Never trust a lawyer sez I).
Now its far from a truly great movie but I quite enjoyed it nevertheless. And the fact that Lon Chaney Jr never speaks when he's turned into the Indestructible Man (his vocal chords are burnt from the chemicals) adds to the creep factor. He goes around like a shark, silently and mercilessly despatching his victims without a shred of emotion. It almost felt like how a good book feels, I settled into it easily. This may partly be due to it being in black & white and me associating it with more gentle films of the era, I know not. All I can say with certainty is I never found myself glancing at my watch and wishing for the credits. In fact I will definately watch Indestructible Man again sometime. It has a touch of charm about it and like Frankenstein's monster, you do feel a tad sorry for him, eventhough he was a violent criminal who met his end at the hands of the executioner. Speaking of violence, this is no gore fest I must inform you. Not a drop of blood is spilt so if you want blood go and listen to AC/DC. (Only fans of the awesome Aussies will get that little gag).
The movie also features the Angel's Flight, an inclined railtrack in Los Angeles. Ive always been suprised more directors haven't used this unusual railroad in their flicks. Its pretty neat.
Anyway check out Indestructible Man and you too might be pleasantly suprised. £1 won't let you do much else these days.
Gutterbox Rating
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