The American ninja: fear him
American Ninja (1985) is one of my favourite action movies of the 1980s, and was one of the first to introduce me to the shady world of ninja. (From then on, no tree was safe from my attempts to climb it ninja style).
It was directed by Sam Firstenberg, and starred Michael Dudikoff and Steve James, who played an awesome side-kick to Dudikoff's ninja. (It was very sad when I learned only a few years ago on the internet that Steve died in 1993 from an unknown cancer, aged only 41.)
The story is simple: Joe (Ninja dude) enlists as a soldier and gets sent to an American army base in the Philippines after being given the choice of this or prison. Also on the island is 'buisnessman' Victor Ortega who is stealing arms from the Army base and flogging them to the highest bidder. On one of these weapons hijacks it all goes boobs up and Joe has to rescue the Colonel's daughter. When he does this he is put on Ortegas 'wanted dead' list and assigns a Black Star Ninja to the job. (As well as nicking weapons, Vic also has a secret ninja academy. Cool!)
Needless to say the villains are no match for the American Ninja, who despatches his opponents as only a ninja can. Even the Black Star master gets offed without too much trouble.
One of the cool things about American Ninja is the partnership between the Dudikoff and James characters. They begin the film with the latter accusing private Joe of cowardice and challenging him to a scrap. Without laying a finger on his opponent, silent Joe prompty puts him in his place. From then on they become best buddies and are a double act to be reckoned with. (Good news is they team up again for American Ninja 2).
I know a few other sites have panned this film but I think took it too seriously, because for what it is, American Ninja is good fun and definately one to watch with a few mates around sharing beers. Ninjas + alcohol = win!
And hows this for a movie tagline ~
The deadliest art of the Orient is now in the hands of an American.
Gutterbox Rating